It is customary to make a prayer at a certain time therefore we calculate the namaz time realized by various calculation methods which are. Today Islamic Date is 11 Dhu l-Hidjdja 1443 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
The population of Kuala Lumpur is 1453975 people.
. Get the most accurate Kuala Lumpur Azan and Namaz times with both. Muslim Assistant an islamic website for Kuala Lumpur Prayer Times and Adhan Times Islamic Days Dhikr Counter Dua Qibla Direction and Live Kaaba Broadcast. The five Muslim prayers salât in Kuala Lumpur for Tuesday July 26 2022 take place at the following times according to the calculation of the Department of Islamic Advancement Malaysia JAKIM Koranic school.
The upcoming prayer is Maghrib. The prayer times are different every day in Kuala Lumpur A complete 7 days Namaz Time schedule and monthly calendar of Kuala. Get accurate Muslim prayer times with eSalah the most trusted source of Salat and Namaz time for Fajr Time Dhuhr Time Asr Time Maghrib Time and Isha prayer.
Prayer Times Today in Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Malaysia are Fajar Prayer Time 0557 AM Dhuhur Prayer Time 0120 PM Asr Prayer Time 0445 PM Maghrib Prayer Time 0728 PM Isha Prayer Time 0843 PM. Masjid India مسجد اينديا Find prayer time for Kuala Lumpur. Get more information about notifications what they are and how they work.
These methods often indicate the same times for salah Dhuhr salah Asr and salah Maghrib. 1321 in the middle of the afternoon Asr. Listen to Kuala Lumpur prayer times.
Get prayer times in Kuala Lumpur. Different methods are used to calculate the prayer times. To make it somehow calculable various scholars and institutions have been busy developing a formula for calculating prayer times for cities like Kuala Lumpur.
Prayer Times for Today Daily Prayer Times Prayer times today in Kuala LumpurMalaysia are Fajr Time 0558 AM Dhuhr Time 0712 AM Asr Time 0120 PM Maghrib Time 0443 PM and Isha time 0728 PM. Fajr prayer in Kuala Lumpur begins at 559 AM according to MWL and maghrib prayer at 731 PMThe distance from Kuala Lumpur latitude. Namaz is a canonical prayer and an integral part of the Islamic religion.
Todays Kuala Lumpur prayer times are based on the Islamic Date of 27 Dhul-Hijjah 1443. Next prayer for Kuala Lumpur is Zohar which starts at 120. Monthly Prayer Timetable for Kuala Lumpur - Year 2022 AD.
On this page you can find the exact prayer times in Kuala Lumpur for today and for any other period day week month and even year. You will hear Maghrib azan via website at 728 pm. Find your daily salat times in Kuala LumpurMalaysia easily or print out weekly and monthly solat timetable anytime you want it will benefit you.
Prayer times were calculated using Sistem Informasi Hisab Rukyat. At 1740 the sun is on the direction of qibla. Register with us to set up free notifications for prayer times in Kuala Lumpur by email or slack.
Calculate Islamic namaz timing in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia for Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib and Isha-JAKIM - Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur Prayer Times 2022 Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Islamic Prayer Time Muslim Salah Timing Kuala Lumpur Salat Times time in Kuala Lumpur. Schedule for 7 days and 30 days for Kuala Lumpur salah or namaz times available for the convenience of all.
33 rows Prayer Times Today. Kuala-lumpur Malaysia Prayer Times and Qiblah distance from Makkah and Madina Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Ramadan 31910 أوقات الصلاة. Monthly Prayer Times Hadith of the day The key to Paradise is Salah and the key to Salah.
Time now54951 PM As time of Kuala lumpur city. Kuala Lumpur Prayer Timings - Today 11 July 2022 Kuala Lumpur Namaz Timings are Fajar 0557 Sunrise 0709 Zuhr 1322 Asr 1647 Maghrib 1930 Isha 2045. Prayer Times for Kuala Lumpur.
Get your monthly prayer timetables for Kuala Lumpur in PDF format or Excel tables by. Jul 26 2022 Today Kuala Lumpur prayer times are Fajr Time 558 AM Dhuhr Time 120 PM Asr Time 444 PM Maghrib Time 728 PM Isha Time 837 PM. Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha.
33 rows Today Prayer Times in Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur Wilayah. Prayer times Hijri date Date converter Hijri calendar Zakat AR. On this page you can find the exact namaz timings in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia for today and any other time - day week or month.
0550 in the middle of the day when the sun is at its zenith Dhuhr. Prayer times for the whole year PDF and Excel formats for Kuala Lumpur can also be downloaded from the. 727 PM and Isha.
Prayer times today at. ESalah provides accurate prayer timings in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia search and instantly find out prayer times for today. Prayer times today in Kuala lumpur Malaysia and prayer times for all seven days of this week.
Salah Times for Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha. Weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable. Prayer times for Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Malaysia Fajr.
10168653 to Makkah is. Tuesday 26 July. Prayer times for this week Embed prayer times to your website Prayer times for July Prayer times for Dhu al-Hijjah Qibla direction.
Get prayer time notifications for Kuala Lumpur by email or slack. Also get salat time Kuala Lumpur Prayer Times Malaysia Malaysia. The differences are mainly in the.
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